Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Young Women's Conference

 In March we were able to go to Salt Lake to attend the General Young Women's Conference.  Our first stop was the Gateway Mall where we did a little shopping and ate our sack lunches.

After that we were able to ride Trax to tour Temple Square, including: The main visitor's center, the Church History Museum and the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

All the young women in front of the Salt Lake Temple.
 Paige, Felicity and Sierra in front of the Christus statue.
Next, we had dinner at Golden Corral and changed into our "Sunday Best".  After (finally) finding parking spaces, we made it to the Conference Center just in time for the Young Women's meeting.  It was wonderful!

Felicity, Sierra, Paige, Megan and Shea Leigh after the broadcast.

What a fun-filled, inspiring and uplifting day!

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