Sunday, August 19, 2012

20 Stake Youth Conference: An Experience to Remember!

Friday and Saturday, Aug 17-18, both the young men and young women ages 14-18 had the opportunity to attend a regional 20-stake youth conference held at BYU-Idaho. The conference had approximately 4,500 youth and leaders from all over Eastern Idaho come to feel the spirit and be gathered together as "peaceable followers of Christ." The conference had wonderful speakers, ranging from general authorities to retired baseball sensations, as well as activities to get the youth involved, such as a dance and a walk to the Rexburg Temple.

At first, the conference was both exciting and overwhelming, but as time went by, the youth began to come closer together and feel the spirit stronger than ever before. We were even blessed to hear council from both Sister Elaine Dalton, YW General President, and Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve, which the youth agree were perhaps the best parts of the entire conference.

So as we go about our day, let us all remember the feelings we felt and the friendships we made those two days. Let us never falter in our faith of the gospel and of the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Just remember Elder Bednar's testimony of the gospel: "It's true; it's all true."


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