Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's Christmas Time!

This year has gone by very fast and the young women have participated in many fun filled activities. This month the activities will be of course be centered around Christmas and the wonderful feeling it brings to all of us when we give to others.

Sunday- Dec 5-Special combined Christmas lesson

Tuesday- Dec 7- YW "Dollar Store" gift exchange and party!

Tuesday- Dec 14- Mutual

Wednesday- Dec 15- Mia maids- Attend Sandcreek choir/band

Thrusday- Dec 16- Attend R.S. Christmas dinner with mothers/grandmothers

Tuesday-Dec 21- Combined activity
                          - Mia maids in charge- Christmas activity at Liberty Square

We want to give an extra special welcome to our newest young woman Shay Leigh Chambers!!

Birthdays!!   ---December 20- Whitney Peterson!

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