Sunday, January 16, 2011

January/February Events

 Tuesday Jan 18th- Personal Progress "Faith' -Visitors Center
 Tuesday Jan 22nd – Stake Youth food drive  Flyers to be taken door to door the week of the 17th pick up 9:00am
 Tuesday Jan 25th – Stake YM/YW Standards night.  7:00pm Stake Chapel. Took place of mutual.            
 Sunday Jan 30th – Camp Leadership Meeting – YW Room Stake Center 7:00pm

Happy Birthday to Felicity Thuerber on the 24th! Welcome to Young Womens!


Friday Feb. 4th- Seminary Morningside 6:40am
Tuesday Feb. 8th- YW New Beginnings 7pm
Monday Feb. 14th- Valentine's Day

Happy Birthday to Hannah on the 7th! Also Happy birthday to Paige Blakeslee on the 8th, Welcome to Young Womens!

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